2/6th Battalion (1914-16)

A pictorial history of the 2/6th Battalion (1914-1918)

Please note that there are individual pages for each of the following events

 Chapter contents:-

  1. Attestation and Training in Buxton: 1914-15 here

  2. Officers and Senior N.C.O.s of the 6th Reserve Battalion here

  3. The Empire Hotel – Headquarters of the 2/6th Battalion here

  4. The move to Epping and Luton: February 1915 here

  5. Arrival of the Derby Scheme men: Early 1916 here

  6. Ireland and the Easter Rising: April 1916 here

  7. Flying Columns in Ireland: Summer 1916 here

  8. Officers of the 2/6th Battalion: Summer 1916 here

  9. Arrival of the “Londoners’: September 1916 here

  10. Embarkation to France: February 1917 here

  11. Attack on Passchendale Ridge: September 1917 here

  12. Arrival of Reinforcements: January 1918 here

  13. The German spring offensive: March 1918 here including 240759 Pte. Robert Alywn Dane

  14. Reinforcements and re-equiping: Spring 1918 here including 204705 Pte. Arthur Sutton

  15. Reduced to Cadre and disbanded: July 1918 here including transfer to the Queens (1/22nd and 1/24th Battalions) in August 1918 and 3285 Pte. Athal Frederick Swindell.

  16. The stories of men who enlisted into the 2/6th Battalion here


  • 450 CSM Harry Slack – a pre-War Territorial.
  • 3074 Pte. William Brailsford – an original 1914 recruit.
  • 3734 Pte. Tom Lynam – a 1915 recruit.
  • 242090 Pte. Arthur Shepherd – part of the ‘London Contingent’ of 1916
  • A 1917 conscripted solider
  • A 1917 conscripted solider

Other individual stories include:-

  • 240611 Pte. Thomas Henry Mainwaring – a 1914 Recruit to the 2/6th Battalion here
  • 240787 Sergeant Oscar Hubbuck –  a 1914 Recruit to the 2/6th Battalion here
  • 241062 Sergeant Samuel Henry Lomas – a 1914 Recruit to the 2/6th Battalion here
  • 241276 Pte John Mowbray – a 1915 recruit here
  • 242008 Pte. Harry Baker – part of the ‘London Contingent’ of 1916 here
  • 242062 Pte. Henry George Cecil – part of the ‘London Contingent’ of 1916 here
  • 204705 Pte Arthur Sutton – 1918 reinforcement here


15 thoughts on “2/6th Battalion (1914-16)

    1. mikebriggs1910 Post author

      Tom you’re quite right – I didn’t finish off his story. Thanks for the prompt and I will try to add more info soon. His service record does not exist anymore so I can only fill in the gaps using limited sources of info. Cheers Mike.

  1. wendy baker

    Hello Mike, I don’t know if I’m in the right place to write this but … at last I’ve found a reference to the movements of the 2/6th batt – my husband’s grandfather was Pte. Harry Samuel Baker Regimental no. 242008. His battalion was the 2/6th Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby) and he enlisted at Camberwell. He died 27 Aug 1918 as a POW at Nordstein Mine, Branch Camp 1038. He is buried in the Cologne War Cemetery, I have a photo of his headstone. The occupation listed on the “death notice” from Nordstein is that of “spinner”. Harry was born 14 March 1889 at Boughton Blean, Kent, England, and his occupation was “barman” when he married Florence Isabel Sykes on 3 April 1915. His only child, my father-in-law Harry J Baker, was born 8 September 1916. I have military letters as follows: (1)Army form B.104-80A 20 July 1917 from Territorial Force Litchfield Office stating that Pte H.S. Baker was admitted to 7th Stationary Hospital Wimereaux suffering from rheumatic fever (severe)”. The second form (2) states he was wounded 26th October 1917 but admission hospital unknown. (3) form dated 20 October 1917 stating he was admitted to 6 Convalescent Depot, Etaples, on the 5th day of October 1917 suffering from shot wound to the jaw. (4) A “Form E” of 7th May 1918 to his wife Florence Isobel Baker stated that Pt. Baker was officially posted as missing since 21st March 1918.Then followed the “true copy of certificate of death” re his death in Nordstein, branch camp 1038.
    Can you help me please find any official post listings of his being taken prisoner etc. etc. and anything else to do with Pte Harry Samuel Baker. There may be some confusion in the records as his wife was listed as being Ada (in fact, a sister). Any photos or other information would be most appreciated please.

    1. mikebriggs1910 Post author

      Hello Wendy, thanks for your message and I’ll send some information by email. I can tell you now that Harry Baker was mobilised on the 19th September 1916 and would have reported to the Central London Recruiting Depot, which I think was in Whitehall. He would have only had probably only 3 weeks between his ‘call up’ and having to report to the Depot. He was placed with the 2/6th Battalion on that day. He was wounded on the 26th October during a German raid of the front line trenches, cheers mike.

  2. wendy baker

    Thanks so much for that Mike, and I look forward to the extra info you are forwarding. This will mean so much to his descendants! Cheers, Wendy

  3. brian donnelly swift

    hi mike, interesting read 🙂
    was wondering if you have anymore information on charles donnelly swift.. my great grandfather

    1. mikebriggs1910 Post author

      Hi Brian, thanks – glad you like the site. Other than a 1911 Irish census record and the few photographs (about 5 in total) thats all I know I’m afraid. He must have been quite a regular visiter to the military camps to take the photographs. I’ve assumed that they were taken at the Curragh, but it could also have been at Balyvonare Camp which would have been much closer to travel to. I do know that some were taken between Sept 1916 and Feb 1917 Cheers Mike

  4. Elisabeth Johnson

    I am trying to find out about my Gr grandfather John Spencer who received the DCM the medal, it is engraved 4871 Pte J Spencer 2/6 N+D.R.-T.F and struggling to find out when and for what it was awarded. He reinlisted 4/09/1914 for 51days and discharged due to a leg injury which he received in Ireland but I just can’t find anything about the DCM and would be most grateful if you have any information or can point me in the right direction. Many thanks

    1. mikebriggs1910 Post author

      Dear Elizabeth. The details that I have record that 4871 Pte J Spencer received the DCM on 3 Mar 1917 “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He remained alone at his post and continued to fire his rifle with good effect. He set a fine example of courage and determination”. There is also a reference to him in the Cliff Housley Sherwood Foresters Gallantry Awards book that says it was in the Easter Rinsing in Dublin and that he served with the 1/8th Battalion. cheers Mike

      1. Elisabeth Johnson

        Thank you Mike, we were under the impression that he got the DCM for his duty in Ireland but I assume from what you have said this will be from a different occasion as the medal is engraved 2/6 not 1/8, am I right in assuming that? Is there anywhere I can look to find where he was serving when he was awarded this? I’ve had a hunt on ancestry and tried searching the army records but no luck yet 😦 I have also been in touch with the sherwood foresters archive in hope that they can give us some further I site but still waiting for a reply. If you have any idea where to go I would be most grateful.
        Many thanks Liz

      2. mikebriggs1910 Post author

        Dear Liz, sorry my fault – meant to write 2/8th Battalion – which still puts him in Ireland when he won the DCM and I guess the entry in Cliff’s book is incorrect. I will email the DCM citation to you. But this also raises a new question. In my records I have a 4871 Joseph Spencer who served with the 2/6th Battalion and then later with the 24th London & Queens Regt (number G/72900). I must have made a mistake because you are aware that John SPencer was discharged – did he have a brother that you know of? cheers Mike

    2. Malcolm David Welsh

      My great grandad Charles Edward Winfield joined up in 1914 at Derby he was in the 2 nd 5 th Sherwood foresters

  5. Elisabeth Johnson

    Hello Mike
    Leave this with me for a few days to research my end, there was a brother Joseph spencer. We have the DCM and it is reg. no 4871 which you have details for a Joseph spencer and we thought this was awarded to John. I’ll do some hunting and be in touch, many thanks for you help. Liz

  6. Steve

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for your web site and the information it provides. Very helpful and well done.

    I’ve been tracing someone who was only briefly in the 2/6th Sherwood Foresters and was killed in action serving in that regiment on 16 April 1918. His name was Richard Phillip NASON. Would you know what action or battle he may have died in?

    What I have pieced together so far is that before enlisting he worked as a clerk in the Traffic Dept. of Great Western Railway at Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire. He joined up in 1916 as a Driver in the Army Service Corp. (No. T4/159475). In early 1917 he was undergoing officer training with the newly formed 21st Officer Cadet Battalion stationed at Fleet near Aldershot, Hampshire. On 31 July 1917 he was ‘discharged to commission’ and on the following day was commissioned as a 2nd Lieut. in the Nottinghamshire (Sherwood Rangers) Yeomanry, Territorial Force. Shortly after on 27 Aug 1917 he was attached to the 2/1st South Notts Hussars Yeomanry (part of the 5th Cyclist Brigade of the Cyclist Division, stationed in the Canterbury area in Kent, on home defence duties).

    Then, I guess sometime in early 1918, he was attached to the 2/6th Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment (Sherwood Foresters). He was apparently ‘with the unit’ at the front on 3 April and is listed as killed in action on 16 April 1918. There is no known grave.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.



  7. Pingback: Pte. J. Winkle | Buxton War Memorials

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