Kaiserschlacht – the German Spring Offensive: 21st March 1918

18338 Jones 2:6th
Amarias Jones

18338 Corporal  Amarias Jones from Whaley Bridge killed in action on the 13th March 1918

March 1918

War Diary of the 2/6th Battalion recording the German attack on the 21st March 1918


“Very heavy enemy barrage on front line from 5.0 am to 9.30 am. Enemy attacked at 9.30 am. Battn suffered very heavy casualties”

Army Service record confirming that 203096 Pte Chilton was missing in action on the 21st March 1918

2:6th Officer Casualties March 1918

Wounded and missing Officers of the 2/6th Battalion following the German attack on the 21st March 1918

Sam Mycock

Robin Hoods 1918

The Battalion suffered very heavy casualties. Accounts of the acton are here:-

Amongst the missing men was 2843/240759 Robert Alywn Dane

240759 Dane 2-6th
2843 Dane
Dane paper

241692 Pte Horace AllenHorace Allen POWHorace Allen



241181 Pte William Bowler

3711/241181 Pte William Bowler from Danesmoor enlisted in January 1915 and arrived in France in February 1917. 

Identify disc belonging to 23123 Pte Edward Palmer from Leicester who was killed in action on the 21st March 1918. He had previously served with the 9th and 17th Battalions and had originally arrived in the Balkans in 1915.